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Communication tower

Transmission line tower

Wind measurement tower

Single pipe tower

Decoration tower

Bionic tower

Portable tower

Modeling tower

Monitoring watch tower

Hebei Huawo Steel Structure Co., Ltd
Address:Guangchuan zone,Hengshui,Hebei
transmission line tower
transmission line tower
transmission line tower
1. Materials are generally Q235 (A3F/ST37-2) and Q345(16Mn/ST 52-3 ), including all accessories like ladder, platform, bolt and nut.
2. Based on its shapes, it is generally divided into 5 types: Goblet type, cathead type, cathead type, shaped type and barrel type.Based on application, it can be divided into: Strain tower, straight line tower, angle tower, transposition tower (tower for transposition of wire phase position), terminal tower and crossing tower, etc.
3. Their structural features are: All kinds of towers are of space truss structures; Bard are mainly composed of single equal angle steel or assembling angle steel; Materials are generally Q235(A3F) and Q345(16Mn); Bars are connected by black bolts with shearing force; Entire tower is composed of angle steels, link plates and bolts; A few components like tower base are assemblies of welded steel plates for convenience of hot galvanizing anti-corrosion, transportation and erection.


Copyright:Hebei Huawo Steel Structure Co.,Ltd Tel:0318-5227768 Fax 0318 -5227768